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Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lots of awards and a Tag

Over the last couple of months I was generously showered with awards and me, being so lazy, posting all of them only now!! Sorry guys!!

I Thank each one of you and also all my readers and commenters for your continuous support. This is the best place I could ever be. All the new friends I have made over the months and those who have become my good friends, here and on facebook!
Thank You guys!
New people I have met through the blogging marathons and new blogs I come across everyday, I love reading all your blogs and enjoy them thoroughly...tho I don't leave messages on each blog, due to time constraints and other obligations, I do go thru each blog which I follow in my reader, whenever I get time!!
All the effort and time put into this blogging world is totally appreciated and a wondrous job!

Here are all of them. If I missed out on any, I am sorry! Just let me know!!!

So coming to the awards -- These awards were given to me by the following friends...please to visit their wonderful blogs and check out whats cooking in their kitchen!

Harika of Harika's Kitchen
Minu of Chettinad Fiesta
Archana of The Mad Scientist's Kitchen
Vimitha Anand of My Culinary Trail Room
Krithi of Krithi's Kitchen
Reshmi Mahesh of Fun with Fud
Priya Srinivasan of Enveetu Kitchen

Above Awards and Tag from Uma of Trendy Relish

Participation award from Kurinji of Kurinji Kathambam

Coming to the Tag, I have to share 7 facts about me.....I already wrote about it in my January's post....You can read about it here. All the 7 things about are there and nothing's changed :))))

I am passing all these awards and the tag to all my readers and followers, please feel free to pick them up and put them in your blog....I wouldn't be here if not for you guys!! Thank you muah muah xoxoxo!

But since I have to choose 15 goes!

Divya of Divya's recipes

Priya of Now Serving

Vijitha of A Foodie n her Cooking Hat

Rachu of Amma and Baby

Devi of Devi's Blog

HGourmet Foodie of Healthy Gourmet Food, Cooking and Tips

Sravs of Srav's Culinary Concepts

Priya Sreeram of Bon Appetit

Krithi of Krithi's Kitchen

Harika of Harika's Kitchen

Tahemeem of Not So Gourmet

Plateful of Plateful

Savitha of Savitha's Kitchen

Shanavi of Kitchen Secrets

Prathibha of The Chef and Her Kitchen

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another TAG and an award

I was tagged by Nivedita of Nivedita's Kitchen way back in December while I was away from home and away from my computer for a little while.
Please visit her site for some lovely and yummy recipes which are fun and easy to make. Thanks Nivedita!!

It took me this long to actually put my answers in order and answering them really means to sit and think for a while about each question. These are question which we just skip in our day to day life and so it was rethinking them over :))

1. Are you a vegetarian, or have you thought about being one?

Not a vegetarian, I eat all (except beef and pork)....never thought of being one, cos I love to try new foods veg or non-veg

2. Who inspired you to cook or bake?

Learned to cook from my Mom...probably she is also the one who inspired me as I learned to cook. Now my inspiration comes from my friends, other beautiful blogs, the Food Network and my kids and hubby since they are my guinea pigs....:))

3. How do you celebrate Christmas?...or a favorite holiday of your choice?

Love to celebrate with family and friends! Do lot of cooking, eat a lot of yummy goodies and then take a long siesta!

4. Do you prefer to celebrate New Year's Eve with friends and/or family, or prefer to ring in the New Year quietly, and privately, at home?

I am not a stay home alone kind of person... like to party with family and friends at home or go out enjoy and have fun type of person! (its just too cold to do it tho!)

5. If someone were to ask you to bring dessert to a party, what would you bring? Store bought, or homemade, and if you were to make homemade, what would you make?

It has to be homemade except if I was sick or something, well then I wouldn't go to the party ;)

What would I make would depend on the party menu, something sweet since it a dessert...haha funny!!

6. How will you celebrate your next birthday?

Not much planning goes into my birthday...I only plan my hubby's or my kids... I wish they would start planning a party for me...
coming to celebrate part...usually go out for dinner if possible, nothing more! so nothing special!

7. Do you have a New Year's resolution-and will you be sticking to it?

New Year resolutions are meant to be broken...come on who really sticks to them?? like my never ending resolution to loose weight!...never could stick to it!

8. Do you time your breakfast, lunch & dinner or eat when you are hungry ?

On weekdays they are mostly at regular times....weekends everthing is laid back and hapazard!!

9. What inspired you to write a food blog ?

To write or not to write a food blog was a long thought in took me nearly 3 months to figure my thoughts out! My friends encouraged me and then it started as a hobby to keep a collection of all the recipes I learned (from my Mom) and would learn in the due process of keeping this blog alive....I have been cooking for almost 12 years now for everyday and the joy to blog it up inspires me to keep up with my food blog. There were times in the beginning when I even thought of giving it up as I was not sure whether it was worth it....but now as I near my 200th blog post, I cherish each and every comment I recieve and am always eager to read and see if I got comments on my post! :)) So its the comments and encouraging words I recive which inspire me and help me get going! Thanx guys!!!

10. You try a new recipe and it does not turn out good,what will you do ?

I get disappointed and throw it in the trash!!....well then try it out again with a few tweaks here and there, until it comes out like I want it to be!!

11. Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe calls for it ?

Starch, carbohydrates and sweet...If you understand what I mean...
I try to follow the recipe as close as possible, only when and if the ingredients are not available, I eliminate the ingredients.

12. Name three things you have to use in most recipes ?

Garlic, turmeric and chilli powder

13. How important is eating meals together as a family to you?

Its quite important and I wish I could make that happen!
Since I cook for the family, I wish it would be eaten together....but that doesn't happen in our house as the kids eat before we do because of my hubby's work timings....eating together only happen when we go to India or to restuarants :) That's why we love going to restuarants (DON'T WE???...hahahaha)

I was presented by this award by Aipi of US Masala...
She has some amazing posts and pictures....If you are like me, and get bored of cooking but love to oogle at food pictures....go to her blog and you shall be rewarded with stunning pictures!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Award Tag

Recently I got award tagged by Jagruti of Joy Of Cooking .

Thanx a lot Jagruti....Jagruti lives in UK and blogs about lovely Indian dishes and also braves the winter cold....Please visit her blog for great Gujarati Dishes too...

This award actually goes with a tag....I got it before New Year's but but took all my time and am writing it up now! :) So here goes 7 things about myself ----

1. I mostly am a happy person, hard to get upset, but I do give into my feelings very easily (so that's the reason for mood swings! :) )

2. Love to make friends and meeting new people (I guess the job at the admissions office, way back when I was in university helped)

3. Extremely enjoy dancing, love listening to music, watching movies and lot of shopping ( well I guess you do like and appreciate stuff you don't get to do very often, except for going to my regular dance class, I have lost track of the others)

4. Love travelling and seeing new places ( I have been to quite a few countries growing up as a kid...tho don't enjoy plane rides that much! )

5. Love to read anything from mysteries to romantic novels ( I used to read a lot before, Now I try grabbing a book now and then whenever I find time )

6. Try to keep myself healthy and fit and get myself to exercise (but there is always a tomorrow )

7. Love everything and everyone there in my life right now or in the past...couldn't have asked for a better life or better people!... What I have is what I have...I don't regret about anything that I don't have!

The rules for this award are:

1. Thank the person who awarded me.
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. pass it on to people who I think are fantastic. ( I personally think all my blogger friends are fantastic and do such a wonderful job with lots of patience :)))

Since I have to pass it on --

Aipi of USmasala
Nayna of Simply Food
Cool Lassie of Pan Gravy Kadai Curry
Jisha of Jisha's Kitchen
Sangeetha of Kothiyavunu

Friday, December 10, 2010

Few Awards to share with you guys!! and a few thoughts!

Howz winter treating you all?...howz the shopping going?...howz planning for the upcoming holidays coming along?....howz planning for the NEW YEAR coming along?
Anyone travelling for the holidays?....and the big question of all WHATS COOKING???

OKOK done with my questions....on to what I really want to say....

I want to first Thank all of you guys who visit my blog regularly and enjoy my recipes and pictures. Thanx for all your support!
And Thanks to all of you who leave such wonderful comments for me to read. You guys make my day and bring a smile to my face :))
I hope my recipes are worth trying and satisfying to you. I would really love to know if you guys tried any of the recipe and how they have come out.
Any suggestions and variations will be well appreciated. It will surely help me in reshaping this blog to be helpful to everyone and also fun to read.
I am so happy to see my followers steadily increasing after all the problems I had with google connect.
Soon my blog will be 1 year old(in January) and hopefully, by then I will be able to make all the necessary changes to it to make it more pour in your suggestions, will be looking forward to reading every one of them.
I am looking forward to expanding it more with more options, choices, and more easier to navigate it thru!

Awards Time!!

I recently received couple of awards and didn't want to mix them up with the regular posting them as a whole new post!
These awards, I am sharing with all my readers, Thanks a lot guys!!! and guys who have their own blogs, please feel free to pick them up and display them in your blog!

First one is from Biny Anoop from Biny's recipes. Being a Nurse and that too in Ireland, must be really fun. Thanx Biny for sharing this lovely award with me! Hope you are enjoying the snow and winter :))
Guys hop over to Biny's Recipes blog to get some awesome recipes to try out and make for the winter!

The other one is from Kurinji from Kurinji Kathambam. She has many interests and a wonderful blog, where she even has step by step Kolams, Rangoli, Muggulu....remember those which we enjoyed as a kid. I did and I miss it. I love watching all the different muggulu on her site, reminds me of my childhood days!
So guys hop over to her blog and enjoy her muggulu like me!

Another award I just rec'd from Akila of Learning to cook....Thanx Akila!!
Hop on to Akila's Blog for yummy recipes!!

According to the award rules I need to personally let you guys know to pick up the award, which I will do...going on my blog rounds now!:)
Thanks for your support guys!! Love you all!
Happy Holidays...Merry Christmas....Happy New Year....

Friday, April 9, 2010

My first award! and more....

My first award!!!!!
Thanks to Lopa from Cook with me for passing it on to me.

Thanx to Nayna of for passing the awards to me too...

Thank U Brinda of itsmylife for passing the award back to me :)!!!...Thank U guys!!!
Should I make my speech?? I will try to keep it short and simple!!! :)

Thanks for all the support from my family, my Mom, Dad, Husband, Kids (for giving me time to write!!!), my sis and bro too...
Thanks even to all my friends who encouraged me to start blogging!!!
Thanks to all my followers who visit and leave encouraging comments and also to those who don't leave comments but regularly visit my blog!!!
Thanks ALL :)

Well as I am a new blogger and new to the food blogging world, I don't know many people. I read so many blogs and like so many too, so picking a few is tricky. So this time I will pass it on to few I read regularly and enjoy!!
Many of these people / bloggers have been around here in the food blogging world for a long time and I feel HAPPY to give them this award from me. Please kindly accept it!!!

1. Passing on back to Lopa ( Cook with me ) for leaving me such wonderful comments!!

2. Passing it to ( I don't know your name, sorry!) for visiting regularly and leaving beautiful comments!!

3. Passing it on Priya ( Priya's Easy N Tasty recipes)... U amaze me on how you cook so many things...even the ideas...amazing!!:)

4. Passing it on to Jyoti ( Panch Pakwan) ... For her new ideas and beautiful blog!

5. Passing it on to Pari ( Foodelicious) ... For letting me participate in her event, my first event to take part in and her innovative ideas!!!

6. Passing it on to Nina ( Confessions of a Bake-A-holic) ... For her beautiful baking and my award for the Black Forest cake ..thank U!!!

7. Passing it on to Mahima ( Indian Vegetarian Kitchen) ... For her beautiful blog!!

8. Passing it on to Prathibalrao ( The Indian Food Court ) ...innovative ideas and beautiful blog!!

9. Passing it to Srivalli ( Spice your Life ) For beautiful blog and creative ideas and events and challenges!!

10. Passing it on to Bangalore Baker ( Stories from an Indian Kitchen!!) ..another innovative baker!

11. Passing it on RedChillies ( RedChillies) ...Beautiful blog and for all the patience in maintaining such a big Food Aggregator!! Thanks RC!

12. Passing it on to Brinda ( Family Recipe Guide) ...New blogger like me and a friend!! :)

Ah!! I did find 12 people!!!

THANKS ALL for the rules!!

Rules for the award:

1. Put the logo within your post
2. Pass on to atleast 12 bloggers
3. Link the nominees within ur post
4. Let the nominees know they have recieved the award
5. Share the love and link to the person form whom you have recieved the award :)